News & Events

Lenten Services and Programs

A Cross Torn Open to a Broken World

A Cross Torn Open: to a Broken World was inspired by the East Window at St. Martin in-the-fields Church in Trafalgar Square in London. The window, designed by Shirazeh Houshiary in collaboration with her husband, architect Pip Horne, adds light to the Grade I listed church and is one of the most significant pieces of religious art commissioned in modern times.

We are captivated by the appearance of a cross being torn open. We believe it allows the church to better see the world and, in turn, allows easier access to the church from outside. The Lenten series will walk through seeing both the church and the world through different views.

Transformation! Art Project

Nearly 30 yards of canvas are waiting for your inspiration. All ages and skill levels are invited to leave their mark through free-form and abstract painting. Individuals and groups are welcome! Transformation painting will be in the Dining Room. Learn more.

The project kicks off Sunday, March 9, and runs through Wednesday, April 2. Public painting hours during Lent:

Sundays: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Dining Room
Tuesdays: 6 – 8 p.m. | Dining Room
Wednesdays: 6 – 8 p.m. | Dining Room (Quiet Paint)

55 Alive!: Art this Lenten Season

Wednesday, April 2 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Chapel

Madison artist Scott Wilson to lead our April program. This Lenten season, Scott is sharing his multi-media art in the Chapel Gallery. His photographs, assemblages, and wood constructions encourage spiritual reflection. In his work, Spring’s signs of life and the diversity in wood grain are reminders of the ever-changing, constantly renewing, and sometimes chaotic creation in nature.

RSVP by Monday, March 31. A pasta dish (chicken or vegetarian) will be served for lunch. A $10.00 donation per person helps offset the cost for the church. When you register online, be sure to complete the last step where you choose “pay now” or “pay later” and hit “REGISTER.” Please email Associate Minister Ann Beaty with questions.

Amazing GRace

Sunday, April 6 | 1:30 – 5:30 p.m. | FCUCC

Youth teams from area Churches will complete challenges and follow clues on a race to the finish line. Past challenges included blowing up and popping red balloons for Pentecost, wrapping up a team member for Good Friday, completing a Maundy Thursday puzzle, etc. A It’s a whole LOT OF FUN! 

Contact Children and Youth Ministry Director Jeff Rabe with questions

Book Discussion:
The Lemon Tree

Sunday, April 13 | 11:00 a.m. – noon | Chapel

The Board of Christian Education invites you to a discussion of The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. The book tells the tale of a simple act of faith between two young people — one Israeli, one Palestinian — that symbolizes the hope for peace in the Middle East. The book grew from a forty-three-minute radio documentary Sandy Tolan produced for Fresh Air. In this book, he pursues the story into the homes and histories of the two families at its center, and up to the present day. In a region that seems ever more divided, The Lemon Tree is a reminder of all at stake, and all that is still possible. A few copies of the book are available through the church office for $10. Email Ann to reserve a copy

Cross with palms and Easter lilies against a white background

Holy Week at First Cong

The events of Holy Week are the cornerstone of our Christian beliefs. The events are both horrific and promise hope for each of us, and for the world we live in today.

Please join us for the services of Holy Week.

Holy Week Services.

Bobby Joe Valentine

Friday, May 9 | 7:00 p.m. | Sanctuary

Bobby Jo Valentine’s music exists outside the lines of any genre, but the music’s thoughtful, spirit focused lyrics and catchy melodies reach listeners across all walks of life. The poetic nature and spiritual focus of his stories and songs has resulted in notable awards and a growing, loyal following around the country. He’s found a voice with original, hopeful songs about the gentle everyday spiritual awakenings of an openhearted life.

Join us for a night of award-winning songs, poetry, and stories.

Annual Campaign

At First Congregational UCC-Madison, we know that when we come together, miracles happen. Together, we rise by lifting others.

During this year’s annual campaign, the Board of Stewardship calls you to help lift one another by lifting the mission of the Church. All the good we accomplish together; we do through a commitment to annual giving.

Walk the Chapel Prayer Labyrinth

First Sunday of each month | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Chapel

The prayer labyrinth is an archetypal pattern, a “divine imprint,” found in religious traditions in various forms around the world. In recent years, walking a prayer labyrinth has been rediscovered as a meditative way of praying. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has only one path. It is designed to quiet the mind and lead the walker by a winding route to the center, and then, by the same route, to return to the exit.

The labyrinth is free and open to the public.

people enjoying refreshments after worship
After-Worship Refreshment!

Weekly on Sunday (except first Sunday of the month) | 11:00 a.m. | Narthex

Come for Worship, stay for fellowship! Enjoy refreshments after Worship in the Narthex on Sundays with the exception of the first Sunday of the month. It is a great opportunity to connect with church members and friends.

pan of cinnamon buns
Just Bakery

Just Bakery, an educational and vocational training program, works with individuals who are experiencing significant barriers to employment such as homelessness, justice involved, lack of education, and/or a lack of work history or skills.

Bread and other baked goods from Just Bakery will be available for purchase in the back of the Sanctuary after Worship on the following days, January 26, March 23, May 25, July 27, September 28, and November 23. We hope you support this organization that does great work in the community.

Adult Drum Choir

Weekly on Tuesday | 6:30 p.m. | Room 303

No experience necessary, just a passion for rhythm and community! Choir members will learn drumming techniques, build community, play ensembles together, and share their combined talents in worship.

Join the circle and make a joyful noise!

If interested, contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministries.

Bible Conversations

Weekly on Tuesday | Noon | Zoom

A weekly discussion group and conversation around Sunday’s scripture reading. The group is currently meeting via Zoom. Drop-in anytime!

If you are interested in attending, please contact Associate Minister Ann Beaty.

A collection of different colored balls of yarn.
Fiber Arts Group

Weekly on Wednesdays | 12:00 p.m. | Hearth Room

Gather with other fiber artists and crafters in the Hearth Room. Bring your knitting, crochet, sewing, or other handmade works-in-process to work on while socializing. Light refreshments will be available, but you are welcome to bring your own lunch or snack.

New to fiber arts? No problem! Contact Melissa Baumann or Jessica Taft to ensure someone is available to teach or guide you.

Handbell Choir

Weekly on Wednesdays | 6:00 p.m. | Room 303

First Congregational UCC has five octaves of impressive White Chapel Handbells! This group has a great sense of camaraderie and devotion. We are, however, in need of more ringers. Let’s get the bells ringing!

Typically, the Handbell Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in Room 303 (elevator access). We aim to ring for the 2nd service of each month, meeting at 9:00 a.m. to rehearse before Worship at 10:00 a.m.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Heather Yonker, Director of Music Ministry.

Chancel Choir

Weekly on Wednesdays | 7:00 p.m. | Chapel

The Chancel Choir is a friendly, open group of a variety of levels, including two hired section leaders in the tenor and soprano sections. The size fluctuates between 14-18 participants. One does not have to be able to read music to join. The ability to match pitch and keep time is helpful and can always be improved with regular practice.

The primary schedule is to provide special music and hymn leading on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, with some variation.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Heather Yonker, Director of Music Ministry.

Senior Drum Choir

Weekly on Thursday | 10:30 a.m. | Room 303

Open to all interested adults. No drumming experience needed. Beginning level ability. Basic drumming techniques taught.

Join the circle and make a joyful noise!

If interested, contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministries.

Recorder Group

1st and 3rd Sunday of the month | 8:45 a.m. | Room 302

Yes, First Congregational UCC has a Recorder Group! We have one group member for each of the four common pitches – soprano, alto, tenor, and bass – and we would love to expand to two or more for each pitch. The focus of our group is the enjoyment of the interplay of the music between the four parts. We are more about listening than virtuosity. We pursue enjoyment rather than perfection. We may, at some point, decide to play in public. Loaner instruments are available, so you can try out the various sizes without making an investment in an instrument. Previous experience is not necessary.

If interested, contact Associate Minister Ann Beaty.

Environmental Justice Group

2nd Sunday of the month | 11:15 a.m. | Hearth Room and Zoom

Are you interested in knowing more about creation care and advocacy opportunities related to the environment? First Cong’s Environmental Justice group is for you! 

Join the join in making a healthier, brighter, tomorrow!

If interested, contact Associate Minister Ann Beaty.

Men's Fellowship

2nd and 4th Sunday of the month | 8:45 a.m. | Hearth Room and Zoom

If you are interested in small group discussion, this group is for you! A group of men gather monthly to share coffee and fellowship. Typically the discussion is formed around an article on recent event that was distributed in advance. It’s a great forum to get to know one other and engage in contemporary topics from a Christian perspective. 

If you are interested in attending, please contact Associate Minister Ann Beaty.

Caregiver Support Group

Last Sunday of each month | 12:15 p.m. | Zoom

Are you caring for a friend or loved one? Do you anticipate assisting someone in the future with decisions about care? This group offers supportive conversation and opportunities to learn from one another. It is also a great way to get connected to resources available to help.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Associate Minister Ann Beaty.

In The News: Prison Reform

The exact replica of the solitary confinement cell the Prison Ministry Project built continues to play an important role in reducing the torture which is solitary confinement. Please watch this video from WPT’s Here and Now. The program highlights the work of our colleague Talib Ackbar and the collaboration with the Crossing, our sister congregation on campus.

First Cong History Presentation
First Cong History 1990-2022

What do you remember our Church during the years 1990 to 2022? What was important to you during these years? Janet Pugh, Faye Whitaker, and Sue Jones compiled “Snapshot Reflections on the Years From 1990 to 2022.”

Binders of the featured slides from the presentation are available in the office for checkout.

Solar Panel Dedication

On Sunday, February 20, First Cong dedicated the solar panel installation during worship. The project grew from environmental justice discussions. The 61 kW solar array provides about 65% of the church’s electricity – significantly reducing our carbon footprint. The energy savings from switching to solar will go toward local social justice initiatives.