Adult Ministries
Learn. Grow. Connect.
Fostering fellowship and growing in faith
The Adult Ministry at First Congregational United Church of Christ (FCUCC) provides a diverse range of opportunities for our members to grow, serve, and build community.
Engagement opportunities for adults
55 Alive!
A lunch and learn program that weaves together art, community, and faith. Geared toward people 55 and older, although all ages are welcome.
Bible Conversations
A weekly discussion group and conversation around Sunday’s scripture reading. Drop-in anytime!
Caregiver Support Group
If you are caring for family or friends, this group is for you. There’s always a listening ear, supportive words, and educational information.
Environmental Justice Group
Join this monthly group if you are interested in learning more about creation care and advocacy opportunities related to the environment.
Men's Fellowship
Share coffee and fellowship while engaging in contemporary topics from a Christian perspective. The group meets on the first and third Sunday of each month.
Fiber Arts Group
Gather with other fiber artists and crafters to knit, crochet, sew, or work on other handmade works-in-process while socializing.
Women's Book Study
The book study group encourages conversation And discussion around faith, social justice, or other topics of interest.
For more information on any of these groups, contact Associate Minister Ann Beaty.