Children and Youth Ministries
Growing and Engaging in Faith
Fostering faith in God's children
First Congregational United Church of Christ (FCUCC) has a robust children and youth ministry with Sunday morning activities that follow the Learning Center Rotation Model and in-person and some virtual programming that engages children of all ages and abilities.
Infants and Toddlers
The First Congregational nursery provides parents an opportunity to participate in worship and fellowship.
The nursery is staffed by a team dedicated to the care and safety of our youngest members. Staff is certified in CPR and First Aid. In addition, the nursery is secured during worship; parents or guardians are required to sign their children “in” and “out.”
The Nursery is staffed from 9:30–11:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Respite Room
A respite space, where the live broadcast of worship is available, is located near the Sanctuary for those who may need to, temporarily, step out of worship.
Contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, for more information.

Involvement opportunities for children
Time with Children
A moment during worship each Sunday when the focus of the service is explored from a child’s perspective.
Sunday School (age 3 through 6th grade)
At FCUCC, we use a Learning Center Rotation Model designed to reach different learning styles. Each month is dedicated to a specific subject such as Jesus or John the Baptist, for example, and classes rotate through the learning centers: Studio/Art; Cinema/Movies; and Lab, a traditional classroom with Kinetic learning.
Communion (second grade and older)
At the discretion of parents, children are invited to the Communion Table on the first Sunday of each month. A communion preparation class is offered each fall.
Contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, for more information.

Involvement opportunities for youth
Group meetings, team-building activities, and fun trips help youth build community and develop relationships.
Mission and Service
Youth learn the value of giving back through summer mission trips, volunteering at local food banks, and hosting special events, like the jack-o-lantern sale that raises funds for local nonprofits.
Through confirmation class, youth in the 8th grade and older study the basics of the Christian faith: God, the Bible, the role of worship and the Sacraments, the purpose of the Church, and the formation of the United Church of Christ. They are encouraged to listen, ask questions, and form their own beliefs.
Contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, for more information.

Opportunities for children and youth
Online Programming for All Ages
Time with Children, Science + Faith, youth musicals, and more, are available to view anytime on First Cong’s YouTube channel.
Summer Musical
Each summer, the children and youth at First Congregational put on a musical during worship.
Christmas Pageant
The yearly Christmas pageant offers an opportunity for the children and youth to work together on a production of the traditional Christmas story.
Contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, for more information.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive sexuality education program created by the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association. Participants learn how to make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, health, and behavior in the context of their faith. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. The program not only provides facts about anatomy and human development, but helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills and understand the social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of sexuality.
Contact Jeff Rabe, Director of Children and Youth Ministry, for more information.