Holy Week

Holy Week Services and Events

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13 | 10:00 a.m. | Sanctuary and via Livestream

We follow Jesus has he enters Jerusalem. He is surrounded by his followers laying down palms on the road, as he rides humbly in on a donkey.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 17 | 7:00 p.m. | Sanctuary

This service commemorates the last night Jesus spent in community with his disciples. We see a supper in which Jesus showed his beloved friends what “blessing” really means, regardless of the current circumstances. Gathered as community, we share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The evening includes a Service of Shadows with candles.

Good Friday

Friday, April 18 | Noon | Sanctuary

On Good Friday, we follow the scriptures that chronicle Jesus’ last day on earth, ending with the crucifixion story.

Easter Vigil

Saturday, April 19 | 8:00 p.m. | Chapel

The Easter vigil is the culmination of a 40-day-long observance of Lent and takes place after sundown on the night before Easter. The Service marks a transition from dark into light, despair to hope, spiritual emptiness to spiritual newness. It is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection and the turning of our attention to the coming of a new day.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20 | 10:00 a.m. | Sanctuary and via Livestream

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and ponder how life anew is felt in our own lives.

Three Colorful Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 20 | 11:00 a.m. | Dining Room

Long considered a symbol of new life and rebirth, pre-Christian cultures used eggs at spring festivals to commemorate the transition out of winter. The early Christian Church adapted these traditions to the story of the resurrection. The Easter egg, and the hunt, have become firmly nested in Christian and secular cultures at Eastertide. The Youth of First Cong will fill the Dining Room with colorful, treat-filled symbols of the resurrection.